
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Going Back to Cali...

I'm going back to Cali strictly for the weather, women and the ... hmm, well, isn't that enough?

But seriously, I bought a train ticket the other night.  I am leaving in 2 weeks, landing in Reno, NV, in late October.  Christine and I will visit some friends, bike around Lake Tahoe, go all cannibal-style through Donner Pass and then high-tail it to NorCal.  Right now the plan ends with us getting to the Arcata-Eureka area around the first of November.

And then what?  Good question.  Ideally that would be enough and I wouldn't have to accrue money to continue my existence on the planet, but, you know, it doesn't really work that way.

Like this guy... get a job dude

I am trying to convince Humboldt State University that they need me to teach their populace to sail.  They do need me, they just don't know it yet.  Maybe try my hand in a bike shop?  Who knows.  Not me.

I'm obviously a hard working sailing instructor
Some people have suggested to me that it might not be prudent/responsible/smart to just move across the country without much of a plan.  They may be right, but they are also pretty boring people.  A la George Costanza, I usually take this advice and do the exact opposite of what they tell me.  Its worked well for me so far.

Its not that they are necessarily wrong; in fact they are probably right.  Its just that at this point in my life, I feel like I need to do something, anything, to jump start my existence.  New Jersey is great, but not really intellectually challenging or stimulating.  If I start with that premise, there isn't really a smart way to move 3000 miles away.  At some point, I just have to jump....

So here goes.  In 2 weeks I will leap without knowing exactly where my landing is.  It might be a long free-fall.

In other news, while this is kind of an extension of The Really Long Bike Trip, it more of its own adventure.  Thusly, I will be curating a new artisanal blog-way.  It will cover anything I feel like and might end up being a good way to keep up on my activities in the Land of Fruit and Nuts.  It is located here: for the link challenged.

Nostalgia is already beginning to set in though I haven't even left.  I will miss this place.  I have basically lived my entire life here.  I am very connected to it: physically, mentally and spiritually.  I do appreciate and relish the roots I have dug here.  I talk a lot with my friends about how such roots are enviable   The irony present in 20-something's is just hi-larious, huh?

Here are some pictures from the summer:

Camping in NJ. You can actually hear the Parkway through the internet,



I will miss this.

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